
tt500 build : part 11

When I got this bike running, it was clear the carb was having idle issues. This mixture screw was probably the main reason why. Stupid screw. I have no clue what bike it came off of, but it isn't the stock one.

Then there is this plastic liner thing. It almost looks stock right?

Nope. That is a drywall screw anchor thingy. I don't know the technical name, but that's what it is.

The threads in the carb body were a bit galled, so I chased them with a tap and put the new mixture screw kit in. If this doesn't fix the problem, I'm going to push the bike in a lake. Maybe. I'm sure the wheel bearings will lock up when I try to move it into the murky water.

Now on to the front brakes. In a search for simplicity, I decided to find a bolt on caliper for the tx750 forks. Apparently the body for these were used for a handful of different Yamaha bikes of the era. From the xs650 to the rd350, the bodies are the same, and with a quick hardware swap can be moved from one side to the other depending on application. On top of that, the rear calipers on some models were the same.Yay?

Unfortunately the front calipers usually run a flared fitting with a short hard line, while the rears run banjo. I don't want the extra connections, and prefer just a more common banjo fitting with a single line. A little light reading told me that the flare fitting will pop out after threading a screw through it. Sounds simple enough.

With a gentle tug, it popped right out. Ready for banjo duty.

Since this project seems to be a never ending car crash, it's fitting to find out my current xs650 rotor is the wrong one. The offset on the later model bikes were different than the early ones. The early 2 piece will fit my setup, but the one piece won't. Dammit. That's where I'm stuck. If anyone out there has one they will let go of, shoot an email to hatchethairy@yahoo.com and hopefully we can work out a deal. It looks like this.

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